



From Foster Care to 美国志愿队, a Recent High School Grad Says ‘I’m Where I Need to Be’


After graduating from high school and completing a study-abroad 经验 in Brazil, 雷 Richmond wasn’t sure of her next steps, but when she learned about 明尼苏达读书团, she found the opportunity she was looking for in her hometown of Northfield – serving as a reading 导师.

She said a mentor from high school approached her when she returned from Brazil, wondering if she had a job. She said she had figured she would “go back to dishwashing,” but when she applied for an 美国志愿队 位置 Experience in Foster Care: ‘Not Everyone is as Lucky as I Was’

雷, who is now 20 and attending community college through a program offered by Northfield Promise’s TORCH, lives with her foster family – a family she was placed with when she was 15.  

“I was lucky enough to be put into a home where I could call those people my family, and I didn’t have to switch around homes like a lot of 孩子们做. I was extremely lucky for 那,” 她说. “I know deep down 那 is not the case for everyone – not everyone is as lucky as I am.”

She is studying to become a social worker so 那 she can help foster children find good homes, counsel them about financial literacy, take them on college visits and make sure they are being cared for in a system 这可能是动荡的.

美国志愿队 service as a 阅读队 导师 also offers an opportunity to give back to others while she earns an education award and 生活津贴,雷说.

Becoming Confident in Herself

“I always thought I would do something to give back to the community, though I never thought it could be something like 美国志愿队. I always thought of 那 as a huge thing 那 I didn’t think I was qualified to ”她说. “I didn’t even have much 经验 in volunteering or giving to 以前的社区.”

雷 admitted 那 at first, she was worried about her age and lack of 经验 going into a service 经验 那 she “knew was a big 交易.”

“I wasn’t confident in myself, and I was like, ‘How in the world did I get chosen for this as a kid who just got out of high school?但 what I like about 美国志愿队 was they didn’t mind 那 I didn’t have work 经验,” 她说. “They were looking for – ‘Are you here to help? 你是来学习的吗 how to help the people 那 need help?他们鼓励我.”

Serving at Bridgetwater Elementary School and interacting with students and teachers is a uniquely wonderful 经验, 她说.

“It’s really awesome being in a school environment and being behind the scenes – seeing teachers making copies and preparing and all of 那. I love the kids, and I feel so fortunate to be able to work with kids and teachers in a school,” said 雷. “阅读队 is so great for giving me this 经验.”

She said she hopes to earn her Associate’s degree while she is serving and then transfer to Augsburg College in Minneapolis to complete her degree in social work. 雷 said she feels like 美国志愿队 service after high school has been a great decision.

“Serving here now with kids now and going to school at the same time, I feel like this is where I need to be,雷说. “I enjoy reading with the kids, I’ve learned a lot and I also feel better about myself.”

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